Chainsaw & Forestry Courses

To quicken up your booking process please log in to our portal here and create an account, if you think you already have an account, call 01509815534 so we can check for you.

Courses are LANTRA Accredited unless otherwise stated

Below is a list of the courses we provide, we are moving to a new system, for further information, dates and course flyers please select the links under the Course Title which will show the information in our course catalogue view.
Currently, the basket function isn’t live so please email the office,, if you see a date you are interested in.

The office will also advise on an assessment date, if you require one, as these are not listed.

Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting Level 2

Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting Level 2

Two Day Chainsaw Maintenance and Crosscutting Level 2 Course

Click here for flyer, dates & further information


Training: £345.00 + VAT = £414.00

City & Guilds Assessment £170.00

Total: £584.00 Inc VAT

Available Dates

Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th – FULL
Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th – FULL
Friday 28th – Lantra Refresher

Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th – FULL
Thursday 13th & Friday 14th – 1 Space
Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th – FULL
Thursday 27th & Friday 28th – FULL
Monday 31st & Tuesday 1st April – FULL

Thursday 10th & Friday 11th 
Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th
Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th

Monday 19th & Tuesday 20th

Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd


One Day Chainsaw Maintenance and Crosscutting Refresher

Click here for flyer, dates & further information

Training: £230.00 + VAT = £276.00

Total: £276.00 Inc VAT

Available Dates

Please contact the office

Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm Level 2

Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm Level 2

A three day course to prepare the trainee to take the City and Guilds Felling Small Trees up to 380mm in diameter practical assessment.  Prerequisite –Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting.

Felling Trees up to 380mm Flyer


Training: £480.00 + VAT = £576.00

City & Guilds Assessment £180.00

Total: £756.00 Inc VAT

Two Day Felling up to 380mm to include Chainsaw Maintenance and Crosscutting Refresher

Training: £355.00 + VAT = £426.00
Total: £426.00 Inc VAT


Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th –  Lantra Refresher (covers chainsaw maintenance as well)

Tuesday 25th – Thursday 27th – FULL
Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th – Lantra Refresher (covers chainsaw maintenance as well)

Tuesday 18th – Thursday 20th – FULL
Wednesday 26th – Friday 28th
Thursday 27th – Friday 28th – Lantra Refresher (covers chainsaw maintenance as well)

Wednesday 2nd – Friday 4th
Wednesday 30th – Friday 2nd May

Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd

Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th

Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm Level 3

Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm Level 3

This course to prepares the trainee to take the City and Guilds Felling Medium Trees over 380mm in diameter practical assessment.
Prerequisite –Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting and Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm.

21-11 Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm


Training: £480.00 + VAT = £576.00

City & Guilds Assessment £215.00

Total: £791.00 Inc VAT

Two Day Felling OVER 380mm Refresher

Training: £355.00 + VAT = £426.00

Total: £426.00 Inc VAT


Monday 10th – Wednesday 12th 

Monday 12th – Wednesday 14th

Individual Windblown Trees using a Chainsaw

Individual Windblown Trees using a Chainsaw

We do not have a venue for this training, please contact the office if you have a suitable site.

Assisted Fell Operations

Assisted Fell Operations

We do not have a venue for this training, please contact the office if you have a suitable site.

Assisted Fell Flyer 

Stump Grinder

Stump Grinder

A one day course to prepare the trainee to take the City and Guilds Stump Grinder practical assessment.
Prerequisite –None.

Stump Grinder Flyer


Training: £195.00+ VAT = £234.00

City and Guilds Registration – £43.00

Total: £277.00 Inc VAT


These are not available as LANTRA


Wednesday 23rd April

Powered Pole Pruner

Powered Pole Pruner

A two day course to prepare the trainee to take the City and Guilds Powered Pole Pruner practical assessment.

Powered Pole Pruner Flyer


Training: £300.00 + VAT = £360.00

City & Guilds Assessment £165.00

Total: £525.00 Inc VAT


Thursday 6th – Friday 7th March



A one day course to prepare the candidate for the City & Guilds assessment if required.

Brushcutters & Strimmers Flyer


Training: £195.00+ VAT = £234.00

City and Guilds Registration – £43.00

Total: £277.00 Inc VAT

Leaf Blower/Vacuum can be added onto this day but please contact the office as not all below dates are available for this.

Brushcutter & Leaf Blower

Cost, for brushcutter & leaf blower/vacuum

Training: £215.00 + VAT = £258.00

City and Guilds Registration – £43.00 x2

Total: £344.00 Inc VAT


These are not available as LANTRA


Thursday 13th

Monday 10th

Wednesday 9th

Tuesday 13th

Manually Fed Woodchipper

Manually Fed Woodchipper

A one day course to prepare the trainee to take the City and Guilds Manually Fed Woodchipper practical assessment.  Prerequisite –None.

Manually Fed Woodchipper Flyer


Training: £195.00+ VAT = £234.00

City and Guilds Registration – £43.00

Total: £277.00 Inc VAT


These are not available as LANTRA


Wednesday 12th – FULL
Thursday 13th – FULL
Friday 14th – FULL

Tuesday 11th

Tuesday 22nd

Monday 12th


LANTRA Awards Basic Tree Inspection

LANTRA Awards Basic Tree Inspection

The course is designed to give training on identifying common signs and symptoms that may lead to tree or limb failure and methods of reporting this information to people more suitably qualified to make final decisions on safety.

Basic Tree Survey & Inspection Flyer


Training: £230.00 + VAT = £276.00

Total: £276.00 Inc VAT


Friday 21st