• Policies & Procedures 2024

    Please find links to our up to date Policies & Procedures which can be downloaded and used as required. These are updated yearly. Last update May 2024 Complaints Progress Form Complaints Policy Complaints Procedure Appeals Progress Form Appeals Policy Appeals Procedure Health and Safety Policy Health and Safety Policy Statement

  • Booking Portal

    Booking Portal To log into the portal please click here We have been updating our booking system and have developed a new system for the following reasons: Reduces time/paperwork being completed by companies and customers on booking courses, once your account is set up there is everything available for us to be able to register candidates. […]

  • Coronavirus Prevention

    Coronavirus Prevention Park Hill Training and Assessment Centre understands the needs for Key Workers to be able to continue safely with their work during these times. we continue to offer training on our site & yours to comply with current goverment guidance and social distancing requirements. In addition to this, we are keen to ensure […]

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The new General Data Protection Regulation (GPPR) will legally take effect on May 25 2018, under the new regulation we are obliged to inform you about the data we hold and how we use it. The data we store and use is to enable us to trade with you and […]

  • Grandfather Rights Information

    “Grandfather Rights” for Pesticide Users – An Overview A current exemption in UK law, commonly known as “grandfather rights”, allows anyone born before 31st December 1964, to use Plant Protection Products (PPPs) authorised for professional use on crops, land, produce, materials, buildings including building contents) which are owned, occupied or rented by them or their […]

  • Farming Sunday – Sky TV

    Lights. Camera. Action!! Farming Sunday can be found on SKY Digital 253. Sky visited Park Hill Training and filmed a rodenticide course taking place to highlight the current change in legislation to their viewers. Just to recap, the HSE stated that as of 1st June 2016 a certificate of competence must be achieved by anyone wishing to buy professional […]

  • National Hedge Laying Society Championship

    This year Park Hill Training are sponsoring the National Hedge Laying Society Championship. This event is ran by a charity whose aim is to maintain the traditional skills of hedgerow management, they rely entirely on membership subscriptions, donations and sponsors. Details for this years event are 2016 National Hedgelaying Championship Aldford Hall Farm, Aldford, Chester CH3 6HJ on Saturday […]